Save $$ on Your Next Move by Decluttering

Reducing the weight of the moving truck will decrease the total cost of your move when using professional movers. There are several ways to reduce your weight, but the easiest way is to pare down items you don’t need. Like most families, items found in the backs of our closets, bottoms of drawers, and corners […]

Paper Clutter: Documents to Keep, Shred, or Recycle

Reduce the amount of papers in your personal files to save space and reduce expenses on your next move. It’s easy to hold on to papers, receipts, bills, etc for longer than needed often because we’re unsure how long we should hold on to important papers.  First, start by separating your paper into piles: Keep, […]

9 Essentials to Pack for Long-Distance Moving

When it comes to long-distance moving with a long timeline, bringing basic necessities can save time, stress, and money. If moving into an empty home several hours away, you may arrive at your new home before the truck(s) packed with your belongings do(es). Consider the next stage of moving like a camping trip and make […]